About Us

We are the multi-media division of Brave New World Enterprises, a full service boutique entertainment company specializing in the professional music, television, film, sports, and fashion industries. Creative artist/entrepreneur and founder, Shyan Selah, began developing the company in the late 1990s when mega deals in sports and entertainment were occurring the same time the first wave of independent start up success would rise and carry the tech and entertainment industries into the new millennium. Since then Shyan has led the company and amassed a professional executive network with over 1,000 years of total collective experience at the highest levels of sports, entertainment, technology, and business.

COMPANY MISSION: The Mission of Brave New World is to connect people to culturally relevant, socially dynamic stories. We are comprised of dedicated individuals who feel it is our life purpose to present our audiences with authentic content by discovering, developing and producing high quality music, literary, fashion, film, technology, and sports experiences. Our passionate commitment to serving our community is the soul of our business and the energy that fuels our messaging. It is from this energy that our projects, services, and merchandise are born.